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Aug 16, 2015


Jesus is full of joy. He created happiness. No one smiles as broad as He does. No one laughs louder than Him. No one “lights up the room” like Him. No one has more fun in life than He does and no one is more enjoyable to be around than He is. No one can make your life lighter and ease your burdens better than He can. And the truth is, no one wants to fill your life with joy more than Jesus! WOW … that’s who our Lord is. So how do we experience more of His joy? What needs to happen to change us from the stereotypical “doom & gloom” church person to an overflowing with joy follower of Jesus that attracts others toward our Lord? That’s what we’ll see today as we look at one of the most important passages in all the Bible when it comes to understanding who Jesus is, what He has done for us, and why He is so worth us following wholeheartedly.